天津护理 ›› 2022, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (5): 512-516.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-9143.2022.05.002

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原志芳 陈金 李静 周祎旻 林梅   

  1. (天津医科大学总医院,天津 300052)
  • 出版日期:2022-10-28 发布日期:2022-10-25
  • 基金资助:
    天津医科大学2021年度医院管理创新研究项目 (2021YG01);中华医学会杂志社护理学科研究课题(CMAPH-NRI2021028)

Study on mediating effect of self-efficacy between discharge readiness and intention of “Internet + nursing service” in middle aged and elderly patients

YUAN Zhifang, CHEN Jin, LI Jing, ZHOU Yimin, LIN Mei   

  1. (Tianjin Medical University General Hospital,Tianjin 300052)
  • Online:2022-10-28 Published:2022-10-25

摘要: 目的:探讨中老年出院患者自我效能、出院准备度和“互联网+护理服务”采纳意愿之间的关系及内在作用机制。方法:选取天津市某三级甲等医院即将出院的中老年患者共307例,采用一般资料问卷、出院准备度量表、一般自我效能量表及“互联网+护理服务”采纳意愿问卷开展调查,测量其自我效能水平、出院准备度及“互联网+护理服务”采纳意愿,使用SPSS 21.0 和AMOS 21.0对数据进行统计分析。结果:患者出院准备度、自我效能和“互联网+护理服务”采纳意愿之间呈正相关(P<0.001);出院准备度既可直接影响患者对“互联网+护理服务”的采纳意愿,又可以通过自我效能对“互联网+护理服务”采纳意愿起间接作用。结论:自我效能在中老年患者出院准备度与“互联网+护理服务”意愿之间起中介作用,管理者应充分重视提高此类人群的自我效能水平,提升其互联网医疗就诊意愿。

关键词: 自我效能, 出院准备度, 互联网+护理, 意愿, 中介效应

Abstract: Objective: To explore the relationship and internal mechanism of self-efficacy, readiness for hospital discharge and Internet medical treatment willingness. Methods: A total of 307 patients were selected from a third-class hospital in Tianjin on the day before discharge. Self-efficacy level, readiness for hospital discharge and willingness to adopt“Internet + nursing service” of the patients were investigated by general information questionnaire, readiness for hospital discharge scale, general self-efficacy scale and willingness to adopt “Internet + nursing service” questionnaire. Data were statistically analyzed using SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0. Results: There was a positive correlation between patients’ discharge readiness, self-efficacy and willingness to adopt “Internet + nursing service”(P<0.001). Discharge readiness could not only directly affect patients’ willingness to adopt “Internet + nursing services”, but also indirectly affect the willingness to adopt“Internet + nursing services” through self-efficacy. Conclusion: Self-efficacy plays an intermediary role between middle-aged and elderly patients’ readiness for hospital discharge and willingness to“Internet + nursing service”. Managers should pay full attention to improve the self-efficacy level of such people and enhance their willingness to seek medical treatment on the Internet.

Key words: Self-efficacy, Readiness for hospital discharge, Internet + nursing service, Willingness , Mediating effect